Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Semester Two, Week Ten

Spring break was interesting.

I had my thyroid checked, and now I'm back to being hyperthyroid. Seriously, this thyroid gland of mine has not been under control since last summer.

Also, I mentioned to my doctor that I have intermittent mid-right quadrant abdominal pain. It wasn't that big of a deal to me, as I've been having it since October 2013. But, it was recommended to me that I have an ultrasound, which revealed a "2.8 cm lesion" on my spleen.

It was then recommended that I have a CAT scan. I did, and it revealed absolutely nothing. So, looks like I ingested poisonous oral contrast and IV contrast for naught. My doctor still wants me to see a GI specialist, though.


However, the highlight of my break was getting to see a c-section, a truly amazing, awe-inspiring experience.

It was back to the school grind this week, and I learned a few things, such as pelvis size impacts how easy (or not easy) it is for you to have children. Also, having cystic fibrosis makes it difficult for you to conceive. I learned how to read electronic fetal monitoring. Well, sort of. I can tell you about acceleration and decelerations, but my skill-set thus far is mighty limited.

No clinicals were scheduled for me this week, so I have had all day today to study. It's been great; I feel like I can get ahead. Except for calculating 24 hour fluid volumes and something to do with a physician ordering 1/4 fluids, etc. Why, why must this nonsense be so convoluted and complicated?! Argh.

Additionally, I have decided to take a 6 week online sociology course for my BSN. My gosh, if anyone had told me years ago that I should just do BSN instead of this concurrent program business, I would have listened. Well, maybe not. I used to be quite stubborn in terms of acadamia. Now I'm in concurrent program hell, freaking out about the loans I'll probably (definitely) have to take out, all for the hope that I don't up and fail nursing school.

It's not as bad as I make it sound. It's just work. Hard work.

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