Saturday, September 20, 2014

Semester One, Week Five

Oh, this week.

The strangeness didn't begin until Wednesday. I received a new floor assignment for my clinicals (we rotate units every two weeks), and of course, the unit I was assigned to was with the guy who asked me to have sex with him years ago (if you're like whaaa? Read Here) Anyway, I had to co-mingle with him all dang day, and I don't know; there's something distinctly uncomfortable having that kind of history with someone, and no one else knows. I'm uncomfortable. He's got to be uncomfortable.

So, I get home from clinicals, and my roommate is home. She's never home; I almost never see her, because she works a lot. I walk in, greet her nicely, tell her I'm going upstairs to my room to study, and she follows me, sits on my bed, grabs her chest and tells me she knows, just knows that I am unhappy living with her. I try to assure her that I am happy living in her home. (Yes, I have to admit here, for the first time publically: She's a little....odd.)

But she won't believe me.

She says my smile isn't the same. I've lost my enthusiasm. She's upset that I'm sleeping when she gets home from work at 11 pm or later. (Hey lady, I have morning classes, and I'm not a night owl.)

And then she tells me she's annoyed that I don't go to her church Bible study. I went once; I didn't like it. I found another one that I like, and this annoys her.

She doesn't like how closed off I am. (I'm a private person!)

And. She doesn't want me using my own shampoo anymore. Only hers. ????

The next day, she continues. She went to bed mad at me the night prior because she accused me of not washing out her container in the sink, but "meticulously" washing and putting away my containers. She did not believe me that her container was not in the sink as the same time as mine. What. The. You-know-what.

My day had already been a crap sandwich, and I seriously had no defense left in me. So after my scolding for something I didn't do, I went and took a shower. Dear old roomie was waiting outside the bathroom to give me a hug. In my towel. Body parts almost fell out of my towel during that awkward hug. Big sigh. I don't know what to do. My life is weird.

I think the only good thing that transpired is that I got a 94% on my pharmacology exam that I really thought I had done poorly on. My straight A streak continues.

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